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Public Editor

Partner: Nick Adams, Goodly Labs, Non-Profit & Academic


Project Description

Students on this project will analyze data from a collaborative web app guiding thousands of internet volunteers to read through the most shared news articles of the day and label evidence of misinformation in the content. Working alongside a national coalition of social science researchers and journalists, a Nobel Laureate, cognitive scientists, and software designers/developers, students will test the robustness of the Public Editor system, fortify it against attacks by trolls, and implement gamification features to ensure volunteers enjoy their experience.

Expected Deliverable

Students will create (1) a Jupyter notebook performing validation studies on the system to ensure the accuracy and reliability of users’ labels; (2) Red Team scenarios and solutions to those scenarios, and (3) a codebase for automatically updating users’ badges, points, and leaderboard status based upon their activity data.

What would a successful semester look like to you?

A successful semester will result in the satisfactory completion of the deliverables above.

Additional Skills from ideal candidates

Familiarity for eagerness to learn AWS cloud computing services including Lambda.


